Now a days, you see a lot of excitement over XGL - the X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL. What this means is that you can see a flurry of activity on the desktop front, including special effects which would put even the upcoming Microsoft Vista OS to shame. What I find exciting about this project started by David Reveman way back in 2004 is the support and contribution to this project provided by Novell.
The project is still in the testing phase and so, we the ordinary users, will have to wait with our fingers crossed till a server based on XGL has been integrated with the Linux distributions (I guess, the first one most probably would be SuSE).
我打算在SUSE裡灌VMWare然後灌XPhome看看效能如何= =+
Novell Linux Desktop 10 桌面預覽影片
網址: http://www.freedesktop.org/~davidr/xgl-demo1.xvid.avi
官方網址: http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/