I'll talk about 2 subject in this chapter.
Subject 1
[How to install Mplayer in SUSE10.1]
check out this :http://www.linuxuser.at/index.php?title=Howto_Install_MPlayer_with_YAST

Add a Pacman-Server to YAST-Sources

find more infos/servers here

  1. Open YAST and click on:
    1. Software
    2. Change Source
    3. Add
    4. HTTP
  2. servername: "packman.iu-bremen.de"
  3. directory: "suse/10.0"

find the right directory for your system! (browse)

Install MPlayer

  1. Now you have MPlayer available in your YAST, install it like any other app.
  2. Don't forget to install the dependencies as well!

Subject 2
[Play Movie in XGL]

在XGL啟動後~接續而來的第一個問題便是用Mplayer播放我想看的影片時只要切為全螢幕就會發生影音不同步= =
不過辛好有Google大神= =+
參考文章:http://blog.osxcn.com/category/software/linux/ 目前的結論是! 找不到答案= =“ 我最後為了要看影片所以把XGL關了! 就全順了= = 我覺得應該是設定XGL的libary上有問題!因此打算下次重灌後再試試. 因此!在XGL下看Mplayer全畫面的主題暫時先停止=3=


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